Monthly Archives: April 2021

Mastering The Sea…

Mastering The Sea…

Sailing past this sea,

Hoping for calm sea.

Hoping to reach the destination in time,

Wondering how it would be once I reach the destination.

But how could I have known what the future held,

The sea rough as hell.

I thought to turn back, at times, but that’s not who I am,

Sometimes hoping the next morning will be calmer.

But alas, it never improved,

Rougher it got.

I lost many lives,

And lusterless, my body got.

Worn but still hopeful,

Torn but still whole.

Believing that this too shall pass,

And pushing forward now Mastering this sea!

Shivani Garg, 2021

You and Me Against the World…

You & Me Against the World…

As I hold you in my arms,

I know, it will be just you and me, together against this world.

You are a special one, who deserves all the best things in this world,

But sometimes I might not be able to give all that you deserve!

Often, there will be times when my duty will overpower my desires,

And in those times, I would not see you as much I would like.

You will be lonely at times, you might cry, and darkness might scare you,

But whenever fears haunt you, always remember that I will be there by your side,

Because you and me are part of the same soul, together against this world!

Shivani Garg, 2019