
I Am Dr. XYZ…

I am Dr. XYZ…

In they come,
At times mellow
Sometimes sad,
Other times maybe a drop of tear trickles down.
Answers –
For most of their questions,
Doubts for few.

In the realm of belief and disbelief,
Leaving them and me content, or hollow sometimes.
They might come back
Or if better they might not.
But if dissatisfied, they might change.

But no one looks back to the person and the soul they leave behind in that room.
With all their miseries, sadness, sorrows, tears and questions,
All that is left behind –
Is a little achy, wet, touched, dented and tainted soul of mine.
Nobody with whom I can share what I feel,
And nobody can tell, whether this is how I should feel.

And in that room with the indented soul of mine,
I walk in again all-over and say,
“Hello, I am Dr. XYZ…”

Shivani Garg, 2020

#painting #poetry #nomadic #soul # emotions #Dr.